Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Flipping the page on e-readers

Very busy, very busy with coursework!! But I thought I'd take a break and post something. I read this in The New York Times about a Microsoft patented application to virtually 'flip' pages on an e-book reader: http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/07/09/turning-the-page-on-the-page-turn/?ref=technology

Personally, I don't think this technology is necessary for e-book readers. There is no use in trying to mimic a physical book. I think it would serve as more of an annoyance than a helpful feature when reading e-books...it's much easier to just scroll through the digital page.

Of course I'm saying this without having an e-reader of my own yet, so I could be wrong. I am pretty devoted to the printed page, however, and am not ready to give up my books, magazines and newspapers all together. I think there is something to be said in holding the physical object in one's hands...plus you can appreciate the layout design much more than you'd be able to online.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm. I'm not sure. I've read books online and I think dividing it up in sections is helpful. It doesn't necessarily have to be pages - perhaps chapters is better. But to have some sort of division makes it more accessible. A hugely long page is hard to navigate and a bit overwhelming to try to read.
